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RV Park Decision on the Horizon

April 01, 2022 12:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

By John Wayne – April 2022


The Spotsylvania Board of Supervisors will likely decide the fate of the Four Seasons RV Park in an upcoming meeting, currently scheduled for May 10, 2022, at 4:30 pm.  In the past day we have heard that the schedule may slip beyond this date, but at press time have not been able to confirm this information.  You will recall that the applicant is seeking a Special Use Permit (SUP) to build a large, high density commercial operation, with 300 RV sites, restaurants, an amphitheater, boat docks, activity centers, and other amenities on the Upper Pamunkey Branch of Lake Anna, one of the shallowest and ecologically impaired areas on the lake.  When the BOS takes up the application, the Planning Commission will present their unanimous recommendation that the Special Use Permit, required for construction and operation of the Resort, be denied.  The applicant will have an opportunity to address any questions asked by the Supervisors and a vote will likely be taken to approve or deny the application.

While the LACA  Board, the Land Use committee and many of you have worked hard over the past 15 months to make our elected officials aware of the negative consequences with some success at the Planning Commission level, we continue to need your support.  As we have stated many times, the Board of Supervisors is not bound by the Planning Commission’s recommendation and can vote to approve the SUP.  There continue to be several ways that you can reiterate your concerns and desire that this SUP be defeated to the Board prior to their vote on May 10th.

This Board of Supervisors meeting is not conducted in the same manner as the Planning Commission “public hearing” which was utilized effectively to deliver concerns surrounding the SUP.  Different tactics are necessary to ensure that the Board of Supervisors understands the concerns of the community.  While the Planning Commission presentation to the Board will include information on the level of opposition this SUP encountered during their process, we feel that it is still very important that the Supervisors hear directly from those of us who make our homes at the lake. 

Given the parliamentary procedures of the Board of supervisors, there are a few effective ways that you can provide your views to the Board.

1. While there will not be a public comment period specifically for the Four Seasons RV Park during the meeting on May 10th, there is a public comment period at the beginning of every Board of Supervisors meeting where citizens can comment on anything of concern to them in their community. This provides an opportunity for anyone to take up to 3 minutes to make a statement on their position pertaining to the SUP.  We encourage you to take advantage of this time and to go and provide your statement before the Board.  The Board of Supervisors meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 4:30 p.m. and the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m.  The next scheduled meetings are April 12th at 4:30 pm, then April 26th at 6:00 pm, and then on May 10th at 4:30, where the RV Park presentation will also occur. 

2.  We want to ensure that each of the Supervisors gets a complete picture of the level of opposition to the RV Park and suggest that all those with an opinion email each of the Supervisors to provide your input.  It is particularly important that Supervisors who do not represent citizens from the lake area understand the issues and concerns of those of us who will have to live with their decision.  Understand that these emails are not being “entered into the record”, as they were at the Planning Commission public hearing, but will hopefully persuade each Supervisor to weigh the issues surrounding this SUP. The Supervisors and their email addresses are:

3. We feel it is also still important to continue to demonstrate our opposition to the SUP by attending the May 10th Board of Supervisors meeting, in support of those that do choose to speak during the public comment period at the beginning of this meeting.  Plan to attend the meeting and be present for this deliberation.

As we enter the home stretch on what has been a protracted battle, lets redouble our efforts to show opposition at the Board of Supervisors level to the Four Seasons RV Park through using each of these three mechanisms to indicate to the Board that this is a terrible idea. Let’s finish this effort!

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