The Hairfield property is the proposed site for a two-phase development in Spotsylvania County requiring rezoning from its current Resort Agricultural (R-A) designation to Planned Development Housing One (PDH-1) and Resort Commercial (R-C) necessary to accommodate the phased development. October 2024 Discussions indicate that this project continues to evolve, with possible changes to the development team as well as the parcels of land included in the project. The most recent application indicates that two parcels have been pulled out of the plan, leaving three parcels, 69-A-69A, 69-A-69, and 69-A-65 with a total of 238 acres. All parcels are currently zoned R-A Resort Agricultural and 69A abuts property in Jerome Mill, Pleasure Island, and Magnolia Harbor. The plan continues to include both commercial and residential, with 77 homes to be included in the residential development under a PDH-1 zoning, permitting a more dense one (1) acre per lot residential development. We are also hearing that there may be additional parcels added to the mix before the next application finds its way to the County. November 2023County Planning Staff Staff received the resubmission of this project on October 5th, it is being reviewed and comments are due from various departments by November 6th. Once all of the reviewers have submitted their comments it will be determined whether another review is required. If another review is warranted that would be 4 weeks with staff. If all of the reviewers deem this project as ready to move forward staff will submit the proffers to the County Attorney’s office for review. The first County Attorney review requires 30 days and each subsequent review, 21 days. Once the County Attorney has deemed the proffers as legally acceptable then the project would move forward to a Public Hearing with the Planning Commission. The current General Narrative document for the development can be found HERE, and the most current Site Plan can be found HERE. During the Community Meeting there was much discussion on Ground Water and so I asked about the Hydrology Report. I was provided the Limited Hydrogeological Assessment Scope, which can be seen HERE and told that this has been routed to the Health Department for review and comments are due next week. General Information According to the application, the proposed residential development will consist of approximately 214 acres utilizing the PDH-1 subcategory with an allowable density of one (1) parcel per one (1) acre, or two-hundred fourteen (214) allowable lots. However, the plan is to only develop seventy-seven (77) lots, with the majority of the lots ranging between one (1) acre and three (3) acres in size. PDH-1 lot size requirements are a minimum lot size of one (1) acre with a minimum width of 100 feet. Two new entrances are proposed for the development strategically located on the south side of Courthouse Road (Route 208) to meet access management and sight distance requirements with one being placed directly across from Ridge Road. The north side of the development will utilize both the existing Ridge Road and Corene Road. The application states that "detailed trip generation and turn lane analysis revealed that turn lanes along Route 208 are not warranted for the residential development". The existing access point from Seay Point Road that serves the existing residences to the south of the affected property will be maintained as a part of this development both throughout construction as well as at the end of the project. The application indicates that the proposed development will include several amenities that make this a more desirable place of residence including a swimming pool and clubhouse, proposed adjacent to the boat ramp along the southwestern portion of the property. The clubhouse complex will serve as a lake-front node for community recreation. This application was filed in late February 2023 and is under review by County Planning Staff as the first step in the rezoning process. A Community meeting was held in May 2023 and lightly attended. The zoning and planning process will include a Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors Public Hearing. Copies of the Applications and other documents can be found in the LACA Library HERE. |