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LACA Board Elections….We Need You!

May 01, 2024 12:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

By Rick Hoyle and Lara Weatherholtz - May 2024

LACA’s annual election is coming up in July and we encourage members to run for board positions.  This year, the following positions are up for re-election:

Vice President


Assistant Treasurer   

Regional Director #2 - Jackson/Cuckoo - Public Side               

Regional Director #4 - Brokenburg

Regional Director #6 - Mineral/Louisa 

All members are eligible to submit their name as a nominee.  The incumbent for Vice President and Regional Director #2 - Jackson/Cuckoo - Public Side have decided not to run. Incumbents for all other positions will serve in their position if re-elected.  LACA is always seeking a wider base of membership involvement and looks forward to welcoming new members to the Board.   Board meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month.  The Annual meeting is on the last Saturday of July.

Duties of the Vice President include assuming the duties of the President in his/her absence, other duties as may be defined by the Board, and coordinating the activities of the Committee Chairpersons with the Board.

Duties of the Secretary include preparing the minutes of all meetings, being responsible for membership records, correspondence, the corporate books and records, and maintaining compliance with applicable state and local corporate reporting requirements.

Duties of the Assistant Treasurer include working in agreement with the Treasurer in receiving, disbursing and accounting for Association funds. In addition, filing annual tax returns and other tax-exempt reporting requirements.

A more detailed description of officer responsibilities is contained in LACA Policy #003 and may be read here.

To run for a Regional Director position, you must own or rent property in that region.  Responsibilities of the Regional Directors include communicating with their respective communities to inform constituents of actions taken by LACA and to solicit their input on current and future issues.  Also, to communicate with Property/Home Owners’ Associations (POAs/HOAs) and/or serve on the various board committees. 

The Regional Director position description is contained in LACA Policy #004 and may be read here.  If you are unsure of what region you live in, see a map of the precincts here or a description of the regional boundaries here

If you are interested in becoming a nominee, please let us know by emailing the authors.  We look forward to hearing from you and will answer any questions you may have on becoming a board member.  It’s the members who make this organization a success!

Rick Hoyle (

Lara Weatherholtz (

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